Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trying Out

Ok so now that I have my open water distance race out of the way I need to start working on training for 50's, 100's and other short to medium distances. So far I've been winging it with my workouts. I decided to give a site called a try. It generates custom swim workouts based on the strokes, distances, and time you want for your workouts. Plus it's free, yay! I signed up this morning and tonight I took my first workout with me to the pool. I did however make a few small mods to the workout. Here's the workout I ran through tonight:

Warm Up
2 x 100 freestyle (kick every 4th 25yd)

200yd freestyle alternate drill/kick

Core Set
4 x 100 freestyle with approx :20 rest

4 x 100 IM with approx :30 rest

4 x 100 freestyle with approx :20 rest

Cool Down
4 x 50's easy(I did 2 breast, 1 kick, 1 free)

2000 yards total

I'm going to try using the swimplan workouts for the next week or two and see how it goes.

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